Conshocken, PA
I have always placed Isayel cardinal North in our medicine circles to hold that direction because she has a direct link with Heaven. [This is a photo of a sacred rock I had her communicate with to obtain answers]
Oscar Miro-Quesada
(kamasqa curandero & altomisayoq adept from Peru & originator of the Pachakuti Mesa of cross-cultural shamanism & founder of Heart of Healer Foundation)
West Palm Beach, FL

This experience has been profound in creating clarity for the limitations that are currently hindering my life purpose. Specific answers were delivered and clarified with love through the channeling session to questions that I have had for many years that I haven’t been able to uncover. She was the only person who was able to identify my old recurring pattern that has blocked me for the past twelve years. In this session I received exactly what I was looking for with messages and homework. I highly recommend a soul communication and Akashic record reading for the answers to your questions. I have not been impressed by many readers but I was blown away with Isayel’s accuracy. She is a very clear channel.
I received a second reading a year later, and during that reading she tapped into pain points in my soul no one had been able to identify. I followed the instructions and recomendations as channeled. A year later my life has been transformed and I am well on my way to living the life of my dreams where I was previously stuck. I am thankful for this amazing and gifted communicator for facilitating this healing and I highly recommend her.
Anne Marie Rose (the Bridge Healing Center)
Westiminster, MD
This was a profound experience which brought me back to connect with the magical gifts of my soul. As she channeled the message, I could feel the buzzing and tingling as I was reconnected to myself in another lifetime. I could connect with the energy and receive the guidance needed to help me move forward and harness my gift. Isayel also brought through a message that someone else had given me a few years prior. At that time, I did not understand the message but the confirmation and clarity by Isayel brought the message through in a profound and meaningful understanding way for me. I know what I need to do next to move forward on my mission now. I highly recommend this service as it had been life changing for me.
Carrie Goulet (Ethereal Energy Healing)
Columbia, MD
The energy of the reading was very intense. I could feel the presence of the spirit guide just before she spoke. The words and messages rang true for me and struck a chord that felt very cleansing, uplifting, and inspiring.
Matt Gest
Allentown, PA
I highly recommend Isayel as your soul communicator. I’ve had two sessions with her and both were life changing. Not only did I receive valuable wisdom, knowledge, and answers, but I was also giving specific and powerful meditations to use daily to help me on my journey. I know as I continue to progress and elevate, I will be reaching out to her again for further enlightenment. She is an expert lightworker and very focused on what she does-she is authentic!
Karen Coppersmith
Reisterstown, MD
I wanted to send you my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude for the great gift you gave me yesterday at the Expo.
The time spent with you and the message you channeled for me from The Blessed Mother Mary was among the most profound moments in my life and, again, I am deeply, deeply grateful.
Many of the things you told me felt very familiar and I have been experiencing some of them (consciously) for the past several years. Looking back, I believe much of what you shared with me is/has been part of my life experience all along but I did not consciously think about it.
Your reading effected within me a heightened awareness and brought many things into clearer focus as well as revealing new information and insights.
I am so glad you recommended recording the session. You said so many important things that I would not have been able to remember otherwise. I look forward to listening to it again (and again) so that I may incorporate the practices and increase my knowledge in order to improve my ability to fulfill the purpose of my life and help others.
Meeting you, yesterday, was the greatest gift at the most appropriate time. I was ready for the information you shared with me.
Blessings to you for your knowledge, talents and healing gifts! Again, I am most grateful to have benefitted from them.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Jill S.
Reinholds, PA